Tag: nature

  • My deep roots in Roseto and how they can help the planet

    My deep roots in Roseto and how they can help the planet

    The reason why I always enjoyed these stories is because I subconsciously felt a connection to my heritage in Roseto, despite living in London for my entire life so far. But it is only more recently, as I move through my career in nature conservation,

  • What I learnt from 4 months “offline”

    What I learnt from 4 months “offline”

    My time away from active posting, engaging and, the worst, doom-scrolling, taught me some things. It taught me some valuable lessons but it also brought up a lot of questions and forced introspections, and those are the things I want to talk about with you.

  • What is social media doing to us and where do I go from here?

    What is social media doing to us and where do I go from here?

    Sometimes, I get really bloody fed up of creating content.

  • I’m releasing weekly insect-based recipe videos!

    I’m releasing weekly insect-based recipe videos!

    With my ongoing project exploring insects as a food source, for our health and the planet’s, I’ve been doing a lot of research into current attitudes towards this food source in the Western world. Whilst it’s amazing to see more conversation, more companies developing insect-based food items and slightly more understanding around the benefits, I…

  • I discovered an amazing sustainable skincare brand!

    I discovered an amazing sustainable skincare brand!

    Hey guys! If you’ve been following me for a while then you’ll know that I’ve been slowly transitioning as many household products as possible over to natural, sustainable ones. I say “slowly” because the worst thing you can do when moving to a more eco lifestyle is to throw out all of your existing products…

  • I got my family to try eating insects!

    I got my family to try eating insects!

    As part of my ongoing project exploring insects as a food source, for our health and the planet’s, I got my family to try eating insects. Yes, everyone was slightly drunk. Yes, it was a very hectic production. And yes, it included someone knowing red wine up the white walls (not in the video!). But…

  • Science expert interview: Should we be eating insects?

    Science expert interview: Should we be eating insects?

    It of course wouldn’t be right to discuss the concept of eating insects and their impact on the health of our planet without speaking to a science expert.

  • Why I want to talk about eating insects

    Why I want to talk about eating insects

    Why is it that we think it’s such an alien and outrageous idea, when 2 billion people across the world currently eat insects on a regular basis?

  • Mother Nature and Covid19

    Mother Nature and Covid19

    These are strange times we’re living in. We’re all so far apart, yet somehow closer than ever. United in one crisis. These are strange times we’re living in. It feels like so many major plans are being completely filtered out of our lives and it’s completely out of our control, yet with this comes a…

  • Life without plastic:  one year on

    Life without plastic: one year on

    Can you believe it’s been an entire YEAR since I wrote My Month Without Plastic? Me neither. But it has, and a lot has changed in a year. Arguably, plastic pollution is worse than ever and yet we are more conscious of it now than we ever have been. We’ve seen plenty of images of turtles with…

  • The secrets they don’t tell you on Black Friday

    The secrets they don’t tell you on Black Friday

    The excitement, the franticness, the thrill. The shiny new purchases from the haul that you got at such a big discount you bought twice what you normally would. What started as the first day of the shopping season in America following Thanksgiving, Black Friday has now turned into a global discount shopping event so prominent…

  • Photographers Against Wildlife Crime

    Photographers Against Wildlife Crime

    When passionate people come together to fight against injustice, whilst speaking out for those who cannot speak for themselves, great change can be achieved – that’s what I thought whilst perusing the pages of the latest wildlife photography masterpiece ‘Photographers Against Wildlife Crime’. The book is a collection of photographs from an international group of…

  • Venom: my brush with death

    Venom: my brush with death

    You’ve heard the claim that in your final seconds on Earth, your entire life flashes before your eyes? Well, it really happened for me, although it wasn’t quite as I would have imagined. Instead of memories of the most prominent parts of my life, I had glimpses of what I presumed were insignificant moments; such…

  • My month without plastic

    My month without plastic

    Plastics. They’re everywhere. Literally everywhere. Just looking around this minimalist café now I’d need more fingers and toes to count the amount of plastic items that I can see. Yet it’s now more apparent than ever how damaging they are to, not only our natural environments and wildlife, but also to our own health. So I…

  • Vultures for Valentine’s

    Vultures for Valentine’s

    It’s the 14th February – Valentine’s Day – and whether you’re in a relationship or not, you can’t escape the intrusive reminder to think about those people and things that you love. If I asked you to think of an animal that you adore, I imagine you would think of a beautiful big cat, a…

  • What is the Illegal Wildlife Trade?

    What is the Illegal Wildlife Trade?

    The figures for the number of rhinos that were poached in South Africa in 2017 have just been released. With all of the increased awareness, education and understanding of just how few of these iconic animals the world has left, rhino poaching numbers should have decreased – right? Well, in fact they have – by…

  • David Attenborough & the empire of the ants

    David Attenborough & the empire of the ants

    If you’ve read my blog before you’ll probably know that I’m a huge lover of all things insect-related, and people often ask me why. Well this month saw David Attenborough explaining a little bit about why the insect world is so utterly fascinating in a new documentary called ‘David Attenborough and the Empire of the…

  • How to achieve your 2018 goals

    How to achieve your 2018 goals

    As 2018 commences, that perfect time for making New Year’s resolutions begins. The classic time when we all set good intentions with positive thoughts, only to find that a few months/weeks/days down the line we realise our resolutions were a little unrealistic or we’ve only seen them as a ‘January thing’. I’m happy to say…

  • How is losing insects affecting us?

    How is losing insects affecting us?

    What’s the news? Do you remember driving 70mph down the motorway and having to activate your windscreen wipers every now and then with an added spray of screenwash…not due to anything other than trying to get those pesky insects off your windscreen? Now think back, can you remember the last time that you had to…

  • International Vulture Awareness Day

    International Vulture Awareness Day

    When most people think of vultures, they envisage giant, feathered, dirty scavengers, the characters from the Lion King hanging around on the branch without really contributing much, and big scary birds to be afraid of. But vultures are in fact hugely important to a healthy ecosystem, and keep everything in balance in the natural world.…

  • What is plastic really doing to our oceans?

    What is plastic really doing to our oceans?

    As I settled down to watch the new Netflix documentary ‘Chasing Coral’, the follow up to ‘Chasing Ice’ I was feeling a little apprehensive about what I would learn. I knew one thing for sure, I was very excited to see the acclaimed camera skills, stunning colours of the ocean, and fascinating sea creatures, but…

  • #WorldElephantDay


    It’s #WorldElephantDay today – my favourite animal in the entire world and my spirit animal since birth!  A lot of people adore elephants, and I think that one of the reasons why is because many people feel that they can relate to elephants due to their similarities to us, which is really wonderful when you think…

  • #WorldLionDay


    It’s #WorldLionDay today – a celebration of the kings and queens of the animal kingdom, the most socially big cats in the world, and a perfect opportunity to spread awareness about the plight of one of Africa’s most iconic species. Today, on this special day of appreciation for lions, please help me to spread awareness by…

  • A butterfly’s life

    A butterfly’s life

    If you follow me on Instagram, chances are you would have seen my daily videos about my latest experience – watching and helping five beautiful caterpillars  journey from their larval stages as tiny caterpillars to five beautiful, healthy butterflies which are key to our environment. The main idea behind this was that whilst the majority…